
by Maura Way

You regrow limbs. I know what triggers

this kind of response. Cells remember. I

make a motherhood not by mitosis but re

generation. A branch must break for the

dormant cytoplasm to even know we can

begin. Protect the wound. Foster magic in

your immune system; it will be how you find

the extent of your reach. It is only natural.

Just because it is in your genes, doesn't

mean it isn't difficult. They say you can

bend hell, they say you are a mud puppy.

We know that scarring slows down your

process, but doesn't stop it. All together.

Maura Way Originally from Washington, DC, she lives in North Carolina, by way of Boise, Idaho. Maura’s work has previously appeared in Hotel Amerika, Beloit Poetry Journal, The Chattahoochee Review, and Poet Lore. ANOTHER BUNGALOW (Press 53), her debut collection, was released in 2017. She has been a schoolteacher for over twenty years, most recently at New Garden Friends in Greensboro.