
by Malia Maxwell

ka ‘ula [ki‘a] 1) short for koaʻe ʻula, red-tailed tropic bird: As in: Before making the kāhili, he gathers feathers from dead­­­ ‘ula, plucking them before they rot. 2) sacredness: The sunrise fills the house with ‘ula, pouring warmth through the windows, a wave, touching even the dark kitchen. 3) blood: The hospital encourages you to donate ‘ula. 4) agate: The ‘ula fills the empty space left by volcanic rocks. 5) same as ʻula ʻai hāwane: Ciridops anna, the ‘ula’s scientific name, shrouds a bird last seen one year before the Overthrow. 6) ghost, spirit: ‘Ula scatter footprints by the pond.

ka ‘ula [kāhulu] 1) red, scarlet: Haole try to take the ‘ula light home with them, hoarding photographs of lava in their hands. 2) brown, as skin of Hawaiians: Māmā says that she’ll be another hour, sweetie—says she’s not ‘­­ula enough just yet—says she’ll swim tomorrow. 3) sacred: What offering have you brought to this ‘ula place? 4) regal, royal: ‘Iolani Palace stores its ‘ula jewels in the basement.

ka ‘ula [painu] 1) to appear red: Your mouth ‘ula in steps: liner, lipstick, setting powder; you kiss off a layer before you leave the house. 2) to blush, flush: Kumu tells you that your ‘okina still sound wrong; like always, you ‘ula in papa ‘ōlelo. 3) (of ears) to ring, as due to rising in altitude, believed by some to be a sign that one is being talked of: You yawn, you sneeze, you blow gum into bubbles until it loses all its flavor; still, your ears ‘ula by the time AS 801 lands.

Author’s Note: Definitions are taken and adapted from www.wehewehe.org. Any mistakes with the ‘ōlelo are my own.

Malia Maxwell (Kanaka Maoli) is a writer from Seattle, WA. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Black Warrior Review, Poetry Northwest, Third Coast, No Tokens, Frozen Sea, and elsewhere. Her writing has been supported by Bread Loaf Environmental and Vermont Studio Center. She is an MFA candidate in Poetry at the Helen Zell Writers' Program. Visit her at www.maliamaxwell.com.