The Mystery

by Hari B. Khalsa

Slowly it strikes me how quiet it is - Sharon Olds


I doze in a chair, book on my chest. Fog outside

the east-facing window. Fire in the stove. I survive

the day with raisins and eyeliner, pomegranate

and white stones placed in the shape of a river.

Tomorrow is a mystery. I forget this and lament

running out of eggs, rain stains on the ceiling, flares

of anger. When I get a dog, I’ll tolerate its dog

smell, paws tracking in dirt, wisps of hair swirling

the floor. I will take its face in my hands, press

my fleshy nose deep into the plush of its neck.



From the poem “Sunday in the Empty Nest” from The Unswept Room.  

Hari B Khalsa’s poems have been published in numerous journals including the following: Nimrod, Western Humanities Review, Poet Lore, Zone 3 and The Dew Drop. She is the author of a chapbook, Life in Two Parts (Main Street Rag, 2010) and a book of poems, Talk of Snow (Walrus, 2015). Her award-winning chapbook, She Speaks to the Birds at Night While They Sleep was released summer, 2021. Her website is