by Hannah Henry
Remember my grandfather
Vmafo ikhaiyana
Remember my grandmother
Sv pokni ikhaiyana
Remember our people
Pim okla ikhaiyana
Their bodies are dead, their spirits alive.
I haknip vt illi, imi shilombish vt okchaya
In the rivers, the trees, in you and I
Bok, iti, chishno micha vno aiena ka foka
I will walk with them
Iba nowa la chi
I will speak their language
Im anumpa anumpuli la chi
I will listen to their words
Im anumpa haklo la chi
I will care for their home
I chukka ya achukmvt eishi la chi
My home I will remember, my feet upon the earth, my eyes to the rising sun
A chukka ikhaiyana la chi, svyyi yvt yakni o pakna, sv nishkin vt hvshi kucha ka pisa
They are not dead until our mouths forget their words
Pi takha yvt anumpa im ahksi makosh ont illi.
*Hannah Henry (Oklahoma Choctaw)* is a writer, model, Native Artist, and student based in Wright City,Oklahoma. She enjoys sharing her works, including *Ikhaiyana, *with the community that inspires her writing. After High School, she plans to continue her education at a college or university and looks forward to dedicating herself to giving back to her tribe and community through education and activism.